Various beacons with same IDs

Hi community,

I’m having trouble with the Region concept.
You can read here that a region defined with [UUID|major|minor] is a one-beacon region.
The Estimote Cloud doesn’t let you have two beacons with the same IDs.


I was trying to act like this:

  • UUID for my company,
  • major for a building,
  • minor for a room.

But if my room is very large and I need two beacons to cover it completely, I can’t do that.
I have to change my logic like:

  • UUID for mixing company and building,
  • major for a room,
  • minor for the beacon.


  • UUID for company,
  • major for mixing buiding and room,
  • minor for the beacon.

Can someone explain me why we can’t put the same ID’s on two different beacons?