UWB Beacons and UWB Tags

Hi there, is there any documentation on how to integrate the UWB tags with the UWB beacons?

“UWB Beacons” and “UWB Tags” have the same, latest-gen UWB chip.
However they are programmed differently and run different firmware.

UWB Beacons (rock-shape) have non-programable, non-configurable firmware
compatible with FiRa Standard. That is why they are compatible with phones with UWB chip,
eg. iPhone 11 or newer with U1 chip or 2nd-gen UWB from Apple.
FiRa standard defines how they should “hand-shake” in order to run two-way ranging via UWB
and measure distance to each other (beacon <—> phone).

UWB Tags (pebble-shape) have JavaScript-programmable firmware.
It can be programmed to run (TwR) two-way ranging via UWB with other UWB Tags.
It can also be programmed for TDoA (time difference of arrival) for simple RTLS.

Despite having the same UWB chip they cannot range to each other since one is doing FiRa-ranging and other standard UWB ranging.

Of course we could run any firmware on any hardware and we are open to do it for some cool applications. Shoot as a note to contact (at) estimote com if you have a use-case where you need UWB Tags talk to UWB Beacons.