UWB With Android Phone

Hi. I would like to do ranging with my Google Pixel 9 Pro.

It seems the only documented ranging is between Estimote devices.

Are we really locked into only using other beacons to do UWB ranging with?

Hi @danc2050 ,

Without realizing it, I just answered this question in another thread haha :joy:

> “The devices we’re working with (the pebble-shaped UWB tags) don’t follow the FiRa standard, which means they can’t communicate with devices that do, such as Apple Watches, Pixel phones/watches, or Samsung devices. They can only connect with other non-FiRa-compliant devices. If you want them to work with this kind of device, you should check out the other UWB beacons from Estimote (the rock-shaped ones), but keep in mind they are not programmable.”

On GitHub, I’ve uploaded a project we worked on using the rock-shaped tags to measure their distance from an iPhone, and it works, but that’s all you can get: distance and RSSI. We’ve also managed to get them to work with a Pixel 9 Pro, but I haven’t uploaded that project because I didn’t clean it up and moved straight to testing these new programmable tags.

Hope that helps,


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Maybe this post explains it better: UWB Beacons and UWB Tags

Hi Aurora,

Oh shoot – I have the “pebble” tag! They do not sell the Beacon’s anymore, do they? It sounds like the Beacon is what I really need as I am using a Google Pixel 9 Pro.

I believe they still sell them, but you’ll need to reach out directly to the sales team to get the link or at least let them know that this is the type of beacon you’re looking for. Give it a try and see if you get lucky! :wink: They work really well, honestly. Only one of ours has stopped working, and I think we’ve had them for a couple of years now

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if you want to have UWB Beacons to range with Android phones they need to be flashed with FiRa firmware.

By default our rock-shape beacons have that firmware and they can range with both iPhones and Android phones with UWB. You can see SDK here: GitHub - Estimote/Android-Estimote-UWB-SDK: Android SDK and demo app for Estimote UWB Beacons

We do sell them and you can find order link here: Apple U1 API is finally open and our new UWB... | Reality matters

Since we produce them in batches orders are full-filled every few weeks.