Get Events from UWB Beacon-Side


I’m trying to make an indoor positioning system using the UWB (rock shape) beacons as anchors to trilaterate the location of UWB-compatible phones in a room. I have been able to work with the SDK to get discovery and distance information on the phone-side but I’m wondering if this is possible to to get on the beacon-side? If possible, I want all connected beacons to send distance and discovery events to a central server which would pipe to a web app.


the firmware on the rock shaped devices is responder only… it does not detect other devices.

they are not BLE advertising until an app advertises its presence (you can see this on NRF connect)

the current phone software is considered the master or FIRA Controller.

Google provides a sample app that can do ranging between two UWB enabled Android phones,
Apple does not provide similar, as their target is the airtag(accessory)

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This makes sense. Thank you!