Using Chrome cannot change the original (ORANGE) carrier from just received LTE-Beacons. Also when using Estimote App on i-phone and going to Configuration option, it sees my two beacons but when I click on them, it crashes…and if it doesn’t crash, I cannot edit anything and very little information is populated.
I am on ios 13.3.1 with an iphone 11; Laptop is running Windows 10 and ChromeVersion 80.0.3987.122 (Official Build) (64-bit)
As I already mentioned in this post you cannot configure beacon via mobile phone, because LTE beacons does not have configuration, but microApps which you can upload only using WebIDE (video).
You also cannot select carrier because it is chosen automatically (based on availability and signal strength). If it does not connect to the Cloud it might be lack of LTE Cat-M1 in the area. Please check this post how to enable GSM fallback.
If you are not able to connect to the beacon via WebIDE please elaborate more on what is happening.
I was not trying to configure via mobile phone, I was trying via my laptop using Chrome. I am in the US (Dallas, Texas) and we have LTE here. My laptop recognizes my various devices (multiple Fire TV’s; printers;my mobile phone) just never sees the beacons when I hit the Connect to an LTE Beacon via Web Bluetooth button.
If beacons are at least detected by mobile phone it means that they are charged and broadcasting. Windows and Chrome versions also seems to be right. Have you tried to press main button when Chrome is scanning for beacons? It will increase broadcasting power and decrease advertising interval for couple of seconds. LTE beacon should appear then as a device beginning with EL and with exclamation mark at the end of its name. On Windows scanning for the device may take some time before first connection is made. After it has been connected, next scanning should be quicker.
Yes, I have tried pressing the main button but they still are not discovered. Also, the Re-Pair button that comes up after the initial scan is not functional, I have to hit the CANCEL and then restart the Connect to an LTE Beacon via Bluetooth button. Yes the batteries are charged, one shows 93% the other 94%.
I have now also done a forced synch to reset the LTE Beacons. Now each one shows the carrier to be AT&T Hologram rather than the initial ORANGE…But they are still not discoverable on any device, Chrome or the Estimote App on my i-phone 11…I’m already very disappointed with your documentation and lack of help to get these discoverable.
Force sync is not resetting beacons. It is only telling beacon to exchange information with the Cloud. If you want to reset them keep side button pressed and then press main button 8 times.
In the first post you wrote that you see them in Estimote App. It crashes, but it is still able to scan them. Now you claim that they are also not discoverable on iPhone. So they were advertising and now they stopped? You may try to use different scanning app like nRF Connect to confirm that.
Have you tried to connect to those beacons via WebIDE using different computer (preferably Mac)?
Force synch actually managed to change the cellular connection to a local one (AT&T Hologram from the original european connection ORANGE). However, when I am trying to push a misrocode app to the beacon I am unable to because the first step is to push the button to connect to an LTE Beacon which never sees either of the beacons. I do not have a mac computer, my computers are windows based.
Force sync did not change cellular connection, but it synchronized beacon using local operator and last used carrier was noted in cloud dashboard. By default LTE beacon is not connected constantly to the cellular network, it wakes up, registers with the network, performs sync and goes to sleep again (more info here).
Have you tired to scan for beacons using nRF Connect? Have you been able to see devices with names beginning with EL
I’m trying to establish if problem lies in beacons (they are not advertising) or in Windows/Chrome.
Since forced sync works, it means you may try to download microApps via LTE: Press Compile and then Deploy Remotely, select your beacon(s) and press Schedule Release. After that you need to force sync device. More details can be found here.
Hi Pober,
Thanks. Yes, I have run nRF Connect and do see the beacons and am able to connect with them via that app.
However, from Chrome it does not allow me to compile the micro App code (button is disabled) without a connection to a BLE device…;(
If button is disabled it means that microApp is already compiled (you can add a space at the end of your code and it should unlock compile button), so you can proceed with Deploy Remotely.
Do you have Experimental Web Features flag enabled in Chrome? (see how to enable it here). You can use this address: chrome://bluetooth-internals
to debug WebBluetooth on Chrome.
Hi pober,
Thanks. Yes I do have experimental Web Features enabled on my windows Chrome software. I added the space and was able to use the deploy button and then the Deploy Remotely as well. Now my beacons are awaiting synchronization. The cloud code event log shows the code was deployed successfully to the cloud.
Just to update, I have now been successful to load the demo micro-app code and multiple iterations of the cloud code to the beacons and the demo from estimote is working on the beacons and my iphone receives the SMS message! :o) Time to work on my project!
Thanks Pober for the help!