Hello, I’m performing some tests with my new Estimote location beacons.
I linked correctly the beacons to Google Beacon Dashboard through the app Beacon Tools and I set up some nearby notifications to be transmitted to close devices without a specific app installed (physical web).
I discovered that:
- nearby notifications work on Android with eddystone-UID protocol but they are not working on iOS
- nearby notifications work on Android with iBeacon protocol but they are not working on iOS
- nearby notifications work well both on Android and iOS with Eddystone-URL but without Google Beacon Dashboard.
I’ve configured the physical web as reported here: https://google.github.io/physical-web/try-physical-web#ios
This is quite annoying because don’t let me change the notification via web for all devices and don’t let me trasmit multiple notifications but only 1 link at time.
Estimote Here&Now could help me to customize the notification via web but I have the problem of multiple notifications yet. However I can’t setup Here&Now either.