Using Estimote for pushing a URL on iOS. Is any user info passed when they click on the URL?

Using Estimote for pushing a URL on iOS. Is any user info passed when they click on the URL?

That would be up to the Chrome widget, and I’m not aware of any such feature. What info would you need?

Would be good if I was able to receive the phone number from the phone or anything that is identifiable to that user.

For your own analytics purposes? Or would you use that, e.g., to pre-populate some signup page or something? I think the only way to convince the web browsers to add such an option (even then it probably should be opt-in, because privacy) would be if there’s some value for the user, not just for the website/beacon owner.

If I visit a website in a web browser on desktop, it doesn’t automatically know my identity, and I (and probably many, many other people) strongly feel it should stay this way. And no reason why it should be any different when using Physical Web.

Just try putting yourself in the user’s shoes sometimes (: