What I would like to achieve(if possible):
There’s a big room(concert venue, church etc, so no walls interference) with 100 people in it. Every person wears a wristband with a beacon(or sticker). Designate an interest area(let’s say 10x10 meters) in one part which will be empty(no objects/obstacles). We would like to detect if the beacons are IN or OUT that area(a max deviation of 2m should be fine).
How I would like to achieve it:
Around the interest area we “stick” on the ceiling(rooms will have 3-4m height) 3 smartphones running Android over which we have full control(can be rooted, unlimited battery life). The smartphones will range(not monitor) simultaneously for all the beacons and push their location to a server which will decide via trilateration algorithm if a beacon is IN or OUT.
Obstacles - Interference
Since the interest area will be empty, I am more interested in the interference with the other beacons. In a worst case scenario, all 100 people may be in the designated area. This means the beacons will be in close proximity to each other (from 20cm to 1m).
- Do you think I am trying to push too much the beacon technology? Are beacons not my solution for the described problem?
- Since I can range every minute or two, changing the advertising interval to different values for the beacons will reduce signal collision? Is this on option?
- Since I don’t have the funds to do this kind of test, how much do you think interferences between beacons(or stickers) would affect the range feature?
- Does anybody has experience with this high density of beacons in a small confined space?
I hope this idea is not too bold.