Pushing dummy data to estimote analytics

Hey all,
any idea on how to push dummy data to estimote analytics?


You can feed in proximity data to Estimote Analytics API by using both Android / iOS Proximity SDK.

You can decide if the data will be collected during ProximityObserver building process. Here is an example for Android:

//That Proximity Observer will pass the data to the Analytics API
val proximityObserver = ProximityObserverBuilder(applicationContext, cloudCredentials)
            .onError { /* handle errors here */ }

As you can notice, ProximityObserver is posting data to the Analytics API by default. If you feel that collecting data is not necessary, you can turn it off with withAnalyticsReportingDisabled() method in the builder, here is an example:

//That Proximity Observer will not pass the data to the Analytics API
val proximityObserver = ProximityObserverBuilder(applicationContext, cloudCredentials)
            .onError { /* handle errors here */ }

Once you collect some data, you can discover it in the Analytics section in Estimote Cloud dashboard.

Thank you for your reply arek
i don’t think you understood my question clearly, or i did not elaborate enough.
we already did that, what i need is the following
i have around 80 beacons in estimote cloud with analytics activated, but what i need is the following:
Push dummy data to estimote cloud without interaction with the beacons, so the 80 beacons will have lots of data to show case it on the heat map we’ve built.
for example:
beacon A has 3 visits, how to make it reach 50 visits without interactive with the beacon itself, by pushing dummy data to it.

Hi @Mahmoud,
I’m afraid that’s not something that can be done over any of our public APIs.
We want to make sure that your analytics data accurately reflects the real-world situation of the beacons, so we’ve been focusing on making sure that data is passed on reliably.
That said, our customer success team may be able to help you with a demo — let us know.