I want around 50-55 proximity location beacons. Can you tell me where to buy it ?And which is the latest one? I want to use proximity beacons for outdoor usage it It compatible with it?
I want Sample beacons kit for development and testing purpose as well as for on site installation i.e. for deployment purpose can you guide me in this regard?
or can I use UWB beacons but its battery life is short also I want battery life a at least for 5 years like proximity beacon?
I have already sent email in this regard but no reply from your side
and estimote android app is not available on play store . I am having older beacons but to configure it estimote app is not available on play store
please help in this regard
I think you can configure the beacons on the Estimote cloud, using the same userid as your beacon order.
The cloud configuration is not used for the UWB beacons directly, but you can use the cloud so to access that data.
I think sending the email is the only way to order