ON Android Things Raspberry PI3, have problem to detect Beacon

Hi my friend,

I mostly following Estimote’s SDK sample code to use ProximityObserver to detect Beacon’s entering and existing event.

RequirementsWizardFactory.createEstimoteRequirementsWizardForAndroidThings() is properly returning “requirement fulfilled!”

Please see the code sample as below. Would be much appreciated to give me some hints.


    ProximityZone zone1 =
                    .forAttachmentKeyAndValue("location", "medicalcenter")
                    .withOnEnterAction(new Function1<ProximityAttachment, Unit>() {
                        @Override public Unit invoke(ProximityAttachment proximityAttachment) {

                            String doctorID = proximityAttachment.getPayload().get("doctorid");
                            return null;
                    .withOnExitAction(new Function1<ProximityAttachment, Unit>() {
                        public Unit invoke(ProximityAttachment proximityAttachment) {
                            /* Do something here */
                            return null;
                    .withOnChangeAction(new Function1<List<? extends ProximityAttachment>, Unit>() {
                        public Unit invoke(List<? extends ProximityAttachment> proximityAttachments) {
                            /* Do something here */
                            return null;