I am trying to use proximity SDK for Android to detect beacons. I created a sample app from the cloud (Estimote Cloud->Mobile App->Add New App->Proximity for Multiple Beacons). When I compiled/installed/ran the app, I was able to see the beacons detected inside the app. When I closed the app and reopened it subsequently it could not detect it again. I tried this many times and it would not detect it. Some times it would detect it once again after a few attempts or phone restarts.
I saw on logcat that when it successfully detected beacons, status was 0. But when it failed status was 6. See logs below
Successful case
07-25 20:16:54.972 22083-22188/com.estimote.proximitycontent D/BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON
07-25 20:16:54.999 22083-22097/com.estimote.proximitycontent D/BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=32 mScannerId=0
Failed Case
07-25 20:17:37.692 22508-22566/com.estimote.proximitycontent D/BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): ON
07-25 20:17:37.698 22508-22523/com.estimote.proximitycontent D/BluetoothLeScanner: onScannerRegistered() - status=6 scannerId=-1 mScannerId=0
Reading up online, I see that “status=6 means too frequent scanning and Android would silently fail”
How do I reliably use proximity SDK to detect proximity beacons reliably every single time? Here are the Beacon config details
Beacon H/W: J1.9_B1.1
Firmware: 4.14.4
Estimote Monitoring: ON
Android Version: 9 (Btw tried it on 7 as well and same result)
Also this issue is not observed in IOS and only on Android.