LTE does blinking and Microapp is not working


contrary to my blue LTE beacon, my mint one is behaving very strange:

  • its ring LED is blinking every 20-30s since days
  • the Microapp is synchronised (according to Estimote cloud) but does not run. I can say that, because the major LED is supposed to be on for 1.5s if the button is hit - but it doesnt light up.
  • the beacon can not be found when scanning via web bluetooth (google chrome) and thus a web blue thooth connection is not possible

according to the estimote cloud, the right microapp is syncrhonised.

I tried to reset by holding major+small side button for 10s. Doing so, the three (day,week,month) LED start blinking. But I dont know, if that worked.

I am clueless now. What can I do?


Can you describe how LED ring is blinking? Is it blinking slower and slower? It might got stuck in firmware update loop (during update micro-app is stopped). You need to disable automatic firmware update from Cloud console for that particular beacon. What firmware versions your beacons are running on? Is the blue beacon working properly?
Holding side button + main button does not reset LTE Beacon, it only forces synchronization with Cloud and may also trigger firmware update. Holding side button and pressing main 8 times will reset it, but only in firmware versions starting from 0.1.0 (see release notes thread)

The blinking is a one-Timer-Blinking “Showing up once for a quarter of a second every 20 to 30s” thats it. Does this description help in identifiying the problem?

I will also switch off automatc firmware update. Just in case this would work. does it have to stay switched off forever?


From your description it does not look as any recognizable system LED pattern. Firmware updates only light up one LED segment (prior to 0.1.0 release), not whole ring. It might be possible that some micro app is doing this. Did turning off automatic firmware updates helped?
Try to press side button once, day LED should come up and it should stop currently running app for one day. Then wait a minute or two. Does side LED turns off and beacon starts blinking every 20-30s again? What firmware version is your beacon running on? Can you share the code that you deployed on that beacon? Have you charged that beacon fully? Does other beacon have problems with Bluetooth connectivity? Are you running Chrome on Windows, Linux or MacOS?


now looking at the LED-ring and its segments, I think it is only one segment blinking (I didnt know to pay attention to that detail).
Switching off firmware-autoupdate didnt help.

When pushing side button,

  • sometimes nothing happens (no led is going on)
  • sometimes it is blinking for a tenth of a second
  • sometimes it is on and you can cycle through day-week-month
  • sometimes it works, i.e. side LED goes off and you can start Microapp.
  • it is on but the blinking of main LED switches the side LED off
    ==> and all of these behaviours are not replicable, i.e. I can not force it deliberately.

Firmware is 0.0.15
The code: => {print('SHORT'),cloud.enqueue('alert', {'Batterie':sensors.battery.getPerc(),'Druckdauer':"SHORT"});
                io.setLedColor(1, [0, 1, 0] ); //Grüne LED
                io.PressType.SHORT); => {print('LONG'),cloud.enqueue('alert', {'Batterie':sensors.battery.getPerc(),'Druckdauer':"LONG"});
                io.setLedColor(1, [0, 0, 1]); //Gelbe BLAU
        => {print('VERY_LONG'),cloud.enqueue('alert', {'Batterie':sensors.battery.getPerc(),'Druckdauer':"VERYLONG"});
                io.setLedColor(1, [1, 0, 0]); // Rote LED

The blinking interval is not 20-30s it is approx. 75s
Batteries are fully charged.
Other beacon (ice) works flawless when connecting to Bluetooth.
I use chrome on windows.

Would it be possible that you can replace that button?


Hi there,

do you have any other suggestions or could answer my question regarding return of the mint beacon?


Maybe try power-cycling the beacon? It involves gently taking the beacon out of the enclosure, and disconnecting the battery for a few seconds.

Dear Piotr,

is it allowed to open it without loosing warranty in case it doesnt solve the topic or I wasnt gentle enough?
