Hi there,
I’ve been experimenting with 6 location beacons (not the UWB ones though).
I can connect to them fine from the iOS Estimote app, but the Indoor app can only detect 3 of them (4 are required for the room I’m testing).
I’m using quite an old iPhone (5S). Could that be the problem?
iOS version is 11.0.1.
I switched phones to a different iPhone 5 and still had problems.
I then placed the phone literally on top of the 4 beacons, and it then started working OK.
So maybe the app expects a very strong signal or something?
Anyway, this problem is solved.
Is this the final stage of the indoor floor plan mapping?
Where you have to place the beacons close to your phone for it to push configuration out?
- Initially you don’t need these Location Beacon on the wall just walk around
- Once all draft plan is to your liking then it give the theory of best beacon placement
- Gather the 4 beacons and place them around your phone (like touching or almost touching the phone)
- Let its push the configuration then place them all the wall
- Walk around and let the app do its thing - sometimes it takes a bit longer to pick the beacon up during the last config (took me 10 odd seconds to pick up on one where the phone was touching)
- Done
Hope this helps - if i understood your issue correctly:slight_smile:
Yes, it was at the final stage after the room has been created.
Actually, I managed to resolve the issue by placing the phone literally on top of the beacons.
Glad that you’ve resolved it