How to set up a location in Estimote Indoor Location?

There are two ways to create a map with Estimote Indoor Location:

  • with the iOS app: good for testing and prototyping
  • with the SDK: good for building your own app
  • Before you start, make sure that all the beacons are assigned to your Estimote Account: it’s required to configure them for use with Indoor Location. If you don’t know how to do that, read:

  • How to create an Estimote Account?
  • How to transfer beacons and manage ownership settings?
  • Also, remember that Estimote Indoor Location requires at least one beacon per wall. Triangular rooms are not supported, so you need four UWB Location Beacons for mapping an average room. You can still use Estimote Location Beacons, but keep in mind that you'll need six beacons to map the same room.

    Your locations will be saved in Estimote Cloud (automatically with the app, using SDK you need to upload them). You can see them at under Locations tab.

    Setting up a location with Indoor Location app

    To create a location with the iOS app you're going to make two measurements of the room. These are done by walking along the location's perimeter and placing beacons on the walls according to the app's suggestions.

    1. Open the Indoor Location app

    2. Log into your Estimote Account

    3. Tap Add new location and then Let's get started!

    4. Define the location's name and privacy settings (What is a public location?)

    5. Now we're going to make the first measurement. Go to any corner in the room and when ready tap I'm in the corner

    6. Start walking along the perimeter, holding the phone in front of you, around chest height. Continue clockwise around the location and stop at the corner you started in: don't worry if the map doesn't show your avatar in the right position, it's just an approximation. Wait a couple of seconds and confirm you've stopped.

    7. The app will show approximate measurements of the location. If they're good enough, tap Ok, proceed. You can later adjust the location size manually in Estimote Cloud (Can I edit an existing location?), so you don't need to get an inch-perfect map now. If you're not satisfied, tap Walk around once again and go through the measurement steps again.

    8. After you accept the location's shape, the app will suggest a number of beacons most suitable to map your location. Put the exact number of beacons close to your phone and tap Go to beacon calibration. Now wait until the app detects and calibrates settings on all beacons.


    9. Attach beacons to the walls according to the suggested placement. You don't need to be perfectly accurate, but the closer the beacons are to the suggested placement, the more precise indoor location you'll get. Beacons should be placed vertically (with the little dot facing upwards) at approximately chest height.

    10. After you position the beacons, start the mapping procedure once again. Start from the same corner and walk clockwise along the perimeter, but this time stop next to each beacon. You should see it light up after a few seconds: then you can continue to the next one. Remember that this time you don't finish in the corner but rather with mapping the first beacon a second time (so the first mapped beacon is also the last).

    You’ve just created a location! It has been saved in Estimote Cloud and you can now navigate it in Estimote Indoor Location app.

    Setting up a location with Indoor Location SDK

    Using the SDK, you can ‘draw’ a location manually. You do that by inputting X and Y coordinates of location corners and beacons. The measurement unit is meters.

    Beacons should be placed vertically (little dot facing upwards) around chest height. We advise against placing beacons near to room’ corners: the closer to the middle, the better.

    You create location with the EILLocationBuilder class. To get started with Estimote Indoor Location SDK, visit our Developer Portal.

    The SDK is public on GitHub.

    Editing a location

    You can edit location in Estimote Cloud. It’s easy: you can just drag and drop corners as you see fit!

    To learn how to do that, read: Can I edit an existing location?

    Navigation modes

    In the app and SDK you can switch between Normal and Light navigation modes. Indoor Light scales to much larger spaces (best to use it with locations larger than 270 square meters) and has lower battery and CPU usage. It is, however, less responsive than Normal.

    To learn more about Indoor Light, read What is Indoor Light?


    After measurement, I get an error “Something went wrong. The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error”

    Indoor location app version : 2.3.6
    Device : iphone 5 16GB
    ios version : 10.3.3
    No SIM card in slot. WIFI is connected.

    Tried at 2-3 places, different size rooms etc. Always same error!

    Every time I try to save location map, I get this error

    Hi guys! Thanks for flagging this issue. We’re aware that it affects some users and we’re working on a fix right now. I’ll be sure to let you know here once we have a solution. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    1 Like

    Thanks for your prompted reply. This is my humble request to you to fix it asap. I have a very important presentation which requires indoor location working well. Please do needful and fix it at your earliest possible time.

    We are also getting the same “Apparent client error” as the other two. Using an iphone 5s and also a 6.

    Thanks for looking into the problem!

    Hi guys! We just introduced a fix that should solve the problem. We tested it here and we were able to successfully upload the location to the Cloud. Could you please try and let me know how it goes on your end? Make sure you have the latest version of the Indoor App installed. Thanks!

    Hi there, it works on iOS 11. Thanks!

    It works now, thank you so much!!!

    Great to hear guys, thanks for your patience! :slight_smile: