Flip to Sleep Process


Can anyone explain the entire process of flip to sleep mode? It seems like sometimes it’s working but yet sometimes it’s not. What’s the time taken for the beacon to sleep after flipping? Is there anyway to check if the beacon has already went into sleep mode? Thanks!

It should take no more than 2 seconds for the beacon to enter and exit sleep mode.

The common catch is, even when sleeping, the beacon still broadcasts its “configuration” (“Estimote Connectivity” to be specific) packet, so it’s still detectable on the Configuration radar in the Estimote app. All the other packets are disabled however, so the beacon shouldn’t be detectable, e.g., via the Proximity/Indoor SDKs, etc.

I am using the Notification App that’s auto generated from estimote cloud, to wake the beacon is pretty fast. However, to sleep the beacon seems to take quite a while. Is there any ways to check if the other packets are disable/real time status if beacon is successful in going to sleep mode? Thanks!

You could try to use some Bluetooth scanner app. I personally like/use nRF Connect.

I am using the Notification App that’s auto generated from estimote cloud, to wake the beacon is pretty fast. However, to sleep the beacon seems to take quite a while.

If you’re using the Notification app, then the delay comes from the app/Proximity SDK. Basically, when Proximity SDK completely stops hearing from a beacon, it’ll wait up to 30 seconds to re-detect it, before it generates an “exit” event.

This is because it’s pretty normal for the iOS and Android Bluetooth APIs to have large gaps in scanning/reporting the scan results, so the 30 seconds act as a buffer to prevent false exit events.