I have couple of beacons I’m experimenting with, I have estimote default app downloaded from play store, tried with couple of mobile devices, beacons are detecting only by couple of mobiles devices. Please help us to resolve.
I have couple of beacons I’m experimenting with, I have estimote default app downloaded from play store, tried with couple of mobile devices, beacons are detecting only by couple of mobiles devices. Please help us to resolve.
Can you post the list of devices that don’t detect beacons? (Model + Android OS version)
Also, please refer to the Estimote Beacons/Stickers: requirements and compatible devices article and make sure your devices meet the minimum requirements.
I can see that this case must be similar to already opened and discussed subject here:
Best regards,
Couldn’t get any help from the article. FYI I’m using Android device which having Android Version 6.0, tried restarting Bluetooth and Mobile as well, tried with 6 different mobiles in which beacons are getting detected by only two devices. Please help us to resolve this.
Well I have provided that article to let you know that people already have the same problem as you do have. In my opinion writing another articles wouldn’t increase speed of troubleshooting that by Estimote. We all should focus on helping Estimote understand the problem and let them do their job.
Best regards,
Can you provide the exact models and OS versions of the 4 devices that don’t detect the beacons, and the 2 devices that do? “I’m using Android device” isn’t very helpful.
Mobile Phone Model: Moto G (2nd Generation)
Android Version: 6.0
Please help us to resolve this issue.
We’ve had a similar report about Moto G 3rd gen.
In your own app, can you try adding this line:
<meta-data android:name="force_old_scanning_api" android:value="true" />
to your manifest file, inside the <application>
section? That should make beacons discoverable in your own app on that device. We’ll work on addressing that problem in the Estimote app.
Tried this as well. But, still my application was not able to detect the beacons.
Keep in mind that on Android 6.0, in order to detect beacons, you need to have (a) Location enabled, and (b) request appropriate permissions in your app:
This link . https://atmosphere.anaren.com/wiki/Android_Issues_With_Bluetooth_Low_Energy talks about the issues surrounding current versions of Android and BLE. I’m not linked to anaren in any way however the link here does chime with the experiences I’ve had in getting Android devices to use BLE, including estimate beacons. My own view is you should view android support of r BLE cautiously until there’s improvement in the way android manages the data between the BLE chipset and CPU. Anaren discuss deploying queues to address this issue. Again, in my view this is the way to go.
Thanks for the link! Anaren’s findings are consistent with our own, but luckily, it’s getting better and better. Android 5.0 introduced a completely rewritten BLE stack, much better than the old one, and Android 5.0’s adoption is now north of 30%. Plus, new Android handsets are generally equipped with better and better BLE chips.