We bought a few Estimote beacons about 2 years which I currently want to use for proximity detection. I have few with are of proximity type and few others of “Location Beacon” type. I created tags for both the proximity as well as the location beacons (as outlined in https://github.com/Estimote/iOS-Proximity-SDK). On this link I see that one of the requirements is to have monitoring enabled, (“Estimote Proximity Beacons with Estimote Monitoring enabled”). Interestingly when I open settings of the location beacon, I see the setting “Estimote Monitoring“” to enable/disable monitoring. However for my proximity beacon I don’t see these settings. Not sure why this this setting is missing for the Proximity beacons. Also on cloud.estimote.com “Mobile Apps” section , I tried creating new single or multiple proximity app under Mobile Apps section (again as outlined in the link listed above),. In that there is a step to configure the app where I need to add associated beacons. In this list I don’t see the proximity beacons. Not sure why they are not getting listed there. Any pointers on how I can use the proximity beacons with the proximity SDK?