Does Estimote's SDK support any iBeacon? I have a number of beacons of another brand and am interested in buying some from Estimote, however I'd prefer to be able to use the Estimote SDK for all them rather than run two SDKs side by side. However when i run the demo app i get 0 beacons. Per the other posts I've change the UUID constant to match my beacons. Even at the lowest layer of the SDK (com.estimote.sdk.BeaconManager.IncomingHandler.handleMessage(Message)) the msg.obj.beacons list is empty, before the filtering even comes into the picture. I can detect my beacons with other apps like iBeacon Finder and iBeacon Locate. I have restarted my phone. HTC One with 4.4.2.
It would be a great thing if it could be do it, even in "original ibeacon state", i like of estimote, but me and a lot of developers are researching and testing many ibeacons devices and will be nice if i could work with all of them at same time...