Can't make app template

Hi !

To start I really want to use the estimate templates for iOS like the “Lock screen icon” one.
I have purchased nearable stickers and set the settings from nearable to “iBeacon”.

I still keep getting the message that I don’t have got any iBeacons and that I have to purchase them.

The App Templates generator works only with Estimote Beacons at this time, we’ll add Stickers support in the future (:

In the meantime, you can find the App Templates here:

… and download them, and put the UUID/major/minor in by hand.

(Note that it looks like in iOS 10, Apple actually removed the Lock Screen Icon feature, so we might be removing this app template soon.)

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Ok strange, cause the handoff functionality that is used by Continuity is still available on iOS10.
But thanks for the info, I will test this also!