Hi, I have download the template iOS app from my account, and I run the app, there are errors as shown in the following fig, could your guys tell me how to solve it step by step, please! Thanks!
did you import EstimoteSDK to the right place? It should be able to find your <EstimoteSDK/EstimoteSDK.h> if you import the framework in this way:
That was actually a bug in the “Blank” template in the app generator. Fixed now, all you gotta do is generate a new one. Really sorry about the trouble!
Hi Thanks for your help!
You mean I could download the template app from my account?
Hi, I have download the new version of template app from my account, and I still have the same problem. Could you help me how to solve it step by step, using images is the best, Thanks!
Are you sure you generated a fresh “Blank” app? I just tested it, and it works for me after the fix.
Hi, Thanks for your replying! I just downloaded the template app from my account. Could you tell me what’s the “Blank app”, you mean creatingthe new app not used the template app. If you possible, could you send you tested version of app to me so that I can check it, please! Thanks!
Could you send it to my email: tianke07118@gmail.com. Thanks!
You need to delete the current app and add a new one. Just clicking “download” will still download the old version, from before the fix.
Thanks for you replying, you mean deleting the app in my account like just clicking the delete button as shown in the figure.
I may know your meaning! I am adding new app using the add New App function. I am trying to do it.
Thanks for your help! It works. I want to ask you about the swift and object-c. I am a new one to ibeacon app development, although I have android development experience.
I want to ask you which is better(swift or object-c) for beacon app development . I am a new one to swift, but recently the swift is seems to being popular for iOS development. Could you tell me which one is better using the estimote ibeacons? what’s the difference?Thanks!