Bluetooth adapter did not start le scan


I integrated estimote in my android app everything works fine, but often i lost the connection in some devices.

Stack Trace :

05-28 14:07:24.634: V/EstimoteSDK(11396): com.estimote.sdk.service.BeaconService.startRanging:209 Start ranging: Region{identifier=rid, proximityUUID=null, major=null, minor=null}

05-28 14:07:24.634: D/BluetoothAdapter(11396): startLeScan(): null

05-28 14:07:24.639: D/BtGatt.GattService(4807): registerClient() - UUID=0a2a7c8e-5ab4-4d0f-8602-92cc84b28afb
05-28 14:07:24.639: D/BtGatt.btif(4807): btifgattcregisterapp
05-28 14:07:24.639: D/BtGatt.btif(4807): btgattc
handle_event: Event 1000
05-28 14:07:24.639: E/bt-btif(4807): Register with GATT stack failed.
05-28 14:07:24.639: E/bt-btif(4807): Register with GATT stack failed.

05-28 14:07:24.639: D/BtGatt.btif(4807): btifgattcupstreams_evt: Event 0
05-28 14:07:24.639: D/BtGatt.GattService(4807): onClientRegistered() - UUID=0a2a7c8e-5ab4-4d0f-8602-92cc84b28afb, clientIf=0
05-28 14:07:24.639: D/BluetoothAdapter(11396): onClientRegistered() - status=133 clientIf=0

05-28 14:07:24.639: A/EstimoteSDK(11396): com.estimote.sdk.service.BeaconService.startScanning:271 Bluetooth adapter did not start le scan

im testing in nexus 5 , samsung galaxys5 , and s4. it happening in one of my s5.


Please refer to the