Bluetooth adapter did not start le scan JellyBeanBluetoothAdapter

Hello all, I just developed my apps using android studio and my phone android version 4.4.4 (AP19)
The scanning beacon is working about 1 minute, after that I have message log

A/EstimoteSDK﹕ com.estimote.sdk.service.internal.JellyBeanBluetoothAdapter.start:48 Bluetooth adapter did not start le scan
01-12 10:18:01.919 10092-10106/com.test.beacon.projectdemo D/BluetoothAdapter﹕ stopLeScan()
01-12 10:18:01.919 10092-10106/com.test.beacon.projectdemo D/BluetoothAdapter﹕ startLeScan(): null

I already turn on my bluetooth.

Thanks for sharing! Do you mind telling us a bit more?

  • what’s the exact problem? after the message appears in logs, does the phone no longer detect beacons?
  • what phone is that?
  • what SDK version?
  • does restarting the app or Bluetooth or phone help?

Hello all,

I’ve the same issue of “putrazend”.

02-03 08:28:34.658 3996-4168/ch.icare.BeaconExperienceGS1 A/EstimoteSDK: com.estimote.sdk.service.internal.JellyBeanBluetoothAdapter.start:48 Bluetooth adapter did not start le scan
02-03 08:28:34.713 3996-4168/ch.icare.BeaconExperienceGS1 D/EstimoteSDK: com.estimote.sdk.service.internal.CycleBluetoothScanner.start:65 Could not start Bluetooth scanning

I found nothing about this error. The problem with that, it’s impossible to discover all beacon until the scan don’t started.

I’ve this issue when the app is just started for the ranging. The error come with a htc desire 320 with kit kat 4.4.2 / htc one X with kit kat 4.4.4 and a nexus 7 with lolipop but in this case nexus 7 don’t have BLE I guess.

But I never had this problem with xperia z5 compact/ xperia z2 / samsung galaxy s5 / samsung galaxy s5 note and nexus 6 => all devices here are between lolipop and marshmallow

I tested when the bluetooth was already activated and not.
the SDK of estimote is : com.estimote:sdk:0.9.4@aar

thanks a lot for your help

Can you try updating to the latest version of the SDK, check if the problem was not fixed somewhere on the way?

The “Bluetooth adapter did not start le scan” suggests your device failed to start a Bluetooth LE scan, which means there might be something wrong with its BLE stack. Can you try restarting Bluetooth and/or the device itself? Does it help? Do other beacon apps (e.g., Estimote app from the Play store) detect the beacons all right?