Android Indoor Navigation Support


I read on the website that Indoor Locations are not supported for Android as yet. Do you know when will it be available for Android developers?

Thanks and best regards,

It’s much harder to implement indoor navigation using beacons on Android due to a huge array of Android devices, each with its own Bluetooth quirks. That’s why we started with iOS, and want to perfect this platform first, but once we’re done, we’ll surely start looking the Android way. At this time, we don’t plan our roadmap for more than a few months ahead—things change so rapidly in the beacon technology—so it’s hard to say exactly when we expect to start working on Indoor for Android. But to be perfectly honest with you, it’ll be probably rather late this year, or maybe even next year.

What app do you want to build? Maybe our regular Android SDK will be enough for it?

Hi Heypiotr

Hope you doing great !
I would like to add one more query to this thread.

I want to develop an app which needs to show the current movement of user and draw the path from user to any other beacon, also want to calculate the distance between them.

will it be done by using normal android Estimote SDK. ?.. please klet me know your thoughts.

Hi @Ratheesh_Valamchuzhy,
To get the current movement of the user, you’ll have to use our iOS Indoor SDK. Unfortunately it doesn’t provide navigation features. Our Estimote SDK (both for iOS and Android) provides though beacon ranging, which might be a good starting point :wink:

Hope that helps!


So I have to wait till the Android SDK got released. :frowning:


Retheesh CN

Now end of 2016 year. Android-indoor sdk at least for beta testing is open?