Hi I am new to developing apps for ibeacons. I would like to know more about the limitations of these beacons
Is the possible to create a app for android that able to specifically pinpoint the exact location of a beacon and direct the user towards the the location to beacon? Somewhat similar to a GPS.
Beacons themselves are not designed for precise indoor location: they're great for approximating location and providing local context to mobile apps and devices.
However, we've also released Indoor Location SDK, which uses complex algorithms to provide avergae accuracy of around 1 meter. It's iOS only for now, but we will release Android version in the future.
Hi, We are developing an application in android using Estimote beacons,
we have created the map using IOS application, and able to see the map on android device using estimote indoor-android sdk.
we need help in showing the direction to the beacon, is there a way to show whether the beacon is right or left to the use.