Using Stickers to trigger indoor attendance system

This is a quick update for the progress of using Estimote technology.
Indoor Location was demoed with the university project presentation over here:

#Estimote Indoor Location in pseudo code
//map a room with beacons devices
// get sticker synced to map
// integrate stopwatch program with stickers uuid
// if uuid sticker is in map range, start stopwatch to calculate the hours a person had stayed in a room.
// else, store calculated stopwatch value in a record/report.
//do while loop in a true/false condition if the user is back in map range


sticker = uuid;
map = beacons map

if user <sticker> is in map range{

      let sticker = start stopwatch 

      store = sticker.stopwatch hours value in (report)
      send ( to admin as notification

###Any feedback regarding the following use case would be appreciated.

Continuing the discussion from "Estimote Stickers":expressionless: Use Case | Track student attendance:

Use case is similar to attendance topic above

Simply, If a user is in map range, start stopwatch to count the time they have spent in the range. If the user has left the map range, save the stopwatch value in a record. Then keep a record of each user who gets in and out of the room in order to know how many hours a user had stayed in that specific room.

OK so this is what I am not sure about.
I was thinking the estimote beacons should map the room. And Tthe stickers unique id will identify the user. So if a user sticker was in the room, the indoor sdk will start the stopwatch. and stop it when the user sticker is outside the map range.

Is the use case doable?
What do I need to achieve it?
How should the data of stopwatch be stored? mysql, json or just simple text file.

Please help.
Continuing the discussion from "Estimote Stickers":expressionless: Use Case | Track student attendance: