I am working in a project, and wondering how to track stickers in my own app. I managed to draw a map, but how can I track stickers??
Thank you
Sadly, this feature is not yet in our SDK, only the Indoor Location app ):
Thanks for your patience as we’re working on adding it to the SDK!
Hello @heypiotr, can you roughly tell me when this feature will be available in the SDK?
Any updates on this?
Any update on this? We’ve been waiting for a long time for this feature. The reason why we went with Estimote beacons was because we see the capability in your videos, and in the indoor app, but if we can’t use it as part of the SDK, we can’t make Estimote part of our solution.
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may i know any updates on this ? hope can use this feature in own app…
If you are using indoor location app, then you are able to track stickers.This feature is not yet in our SDK,