[Solved] Can we access estimote beacons temperature from a bluetooth usb stick and a raspberry pi?

Hello devs,

I would like to be able to read the temperature of my beacons placed on my appartments (one beacon per place (kitchen, bedroom etc.)

Is there a way to achieve that with some bluetooth dongle and Java ? I would install java on the raspberry pi but it could be in python or anything else. Any help is welcome.


Yup! I can see you already found this thread:

I guess that you could try port the Node.js “bleacon” library to Java, but you would need to find a Java library that does Bluetooth 4.0 scanning and works with your USB stick. Might be easier to just pick up Node.js (:

Hey heypiotr thank you :blush:

Yes I would better have to write an api in node.js then access it from java. Let’s try some nodejs :smile:

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