Running android SDK in mobile app


I am currently working on android SDK of estimote beacons. I had few questions about creating our own app:

  1. Once I configure the beacon in estimote cloud and download notification template and run it in my mobile application using App ID and App token i.e., generated from cloud itself. Whatever events happening (like what time visitors came) or notification generated, will all that data be available in estimote cloud(can we see that information in cloud)?

  2. I have gone through following link:
    How many days of beacon data can be retrieved through REST API calls?Is there any database in cloud. If yes how to access it?


Hi @IoTLab,

it seems to me that you can’t see the notifications on the Estimote cloud. The only information you can retrieve is about the beacons.


Thanks for replying. Actually what I need to understand is when I get any notification in mobile app(enter event), Is there a way to use this information and send the notification details to third party app(like trigger an event for turning on LED light).

In Android, you catch the enter/exit notifications by overriding the onRegionEntered() and onRegionExited() methods.


class MyMonitoringActivity {
    private BeaconManager myBeaconManager;

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            myBeaconmanager = new BeaconManager(this);

            myBeaconManager.setMonitoringListener(new BeaconManager.BeaconMonitoringListener {
            public void onEnteredRegion(BeaconRegion region, List<Beacon> list) {
                // HANDLE HERE.

            public void onExitedRegion(BeaconRegion region) {
                // HANDLE HERE.
After that, you have to write an [`Intent`]( to another activity (). It's more an Android code work than an Estimote one :slight_smile:

I am new to android programming. Does that mean we can use this mobile app data(when we recieve notification) we can send this data to remote application.

Also, I want to understand the REST API calls, I have gone throught the following link:
all the details that we get from REST call(like no of visitors), where is this information coming from cloud or from mobile app (android sdk).
