Problem with iPhone 4S and newest MBP


Please tell me why I can't detect any beacons using iPhone 4S using application Estimote from AppStore or newest MBP using builtin bluetooth device search

T0masz Kowalczyk

Hi Tomasz,

There is a bug in the present version of the Estimote app that we will fix with the next update in upcoming days.

Right now to workaround the issue please do the following:
Go to settings on your phone > privacy > locations services and please enable location services for Estimote app.

Let me know if it helps!

Hi Agnes,

Big Thanks, now it's working on iPhone 4S, any workaround about discover those devices on MBP? Technically it support Bluetooth LE.


Technically every devices that support BLE can discover beacons but our SDK currently supports only iOS and Android.