Let’s say I have 100 clients using the same central app. All these clients have a few beacons. How would it be possible to listen to all beacons without specifying their UUID ?
My app only needs to receive a unique ID for each beacon so I can look in my database to get the information. If the SDK can’t do that, is there a way I can still do this?
*I’m developing on both Android and IOS.
On Android, you can define your Region object with null
UUID, major, minor, and it’ll then scan for all iBeacon packets.
iOS requires you to provide at least an iBeacon UUID … but why not simply assign the same, uniquely-generated UUID to all your beacons, and scan for that?
Hi, thank you for your answer.
If I assign the same UUID for each beacon, will it detect every beacons even if they are close to each other ?
I need to trigger an event on every detected beacon, even in the same room.
Yup, there’s no reason beacons close to each other should be undetectable (: