LTE Not Available ... Error: ESR0602 New operation


I have 6 LTE beacon and 3 of them have difficulties to connect on the LTE network with error message:
" LTE Not Available … Error: ESR0602 New operation"

My code is:

 lte.getStatus().then(() => {
      status => print("LTE Available: " + status);
      io.setLedColor(io.Led.BLE,[0,1,0]); // RGB = Green
      }).catch((e) => {
      print("LTE Not Available ... " + e);
      io.setLedColor(io.Led.BLE,[1,0,0]); // RGB = Red

The 3 other, at the same place, are working perfectly.

Any idea what can happen ?

  • SIM card or HW issue ?

Thks for your support

You get this error when you called lte.getStatus() when previous call to this function did not finished yet. This error is delivered to previous promise. See documentation.

Hi Prober

I change my code with:

    .then(() => {
      print("Tech changed to GSM_LTE");
          .then((status) => {
            print("Modem Status:" + JSON.stringify(status));
            io.setLedColor(io.Led.BLE,[0,1,0]); // RGB = Green
          .catch((e) => {
            print("Error " + e);
            io.setLedColor(io.Led.BLE,[1,0,0]); // RGB = Red
    .catch((e) => {
      print("Tech set failed " + e);

Works better but still have sometimes some beacon that fails LTE connection with the error message:

  • Modem getStatus Error Error: ESR0404 Modem init error

Any idea of this ESR0404 cause ?


Any feedback on this topic ?
What does ESR0404 means ?

Thks a lot