Looking for iBeacon Developers?

If you are looking for a developer for your project, please post your requirements here and we will help you find a suitable developer to help with your project. Please provide as much as details as you can to help them understand the concept



I am using Motorola Beacons and looking for a developer who can assist us in developing the client APP both for IoS & Android.

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Hi Adnan,

Yes, we can help with that. Can you please share more details about the project?

You can write to me directly at satayender@dexconsulting.com



Hi @all

My name is Karl from Mopius (http://www.mopius.com).
Coming from a background utilizing poximity technologies in various use cases we developed an very advanced CMS for managing NFC, iBeacon, Geofencing, QR, in one tool.
We provide Mobile App Development for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and do offer as well an SDK for the CMS.
We are very experienced with iBeacon implementation in customer projects, as we have rolled out several customer projects in retail chains.
We’d love to integrate Estimote in your projects.

Hi Mopus,

Can you please post your email address for further contact purposes?

Thank you…

Ami Kirschner

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Hi Ami,

Do you still look for developers team?

If yes, then following information should be very interesting to you.

We are doing development of mobile apps since first SDK was presented by Jobs at 2008 and almost targeted on apps which do interactions between Estimote Beacons or any BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices and mobile apps.

We also have great experience at work with custom BLE devices, here is the project which also be powered by Kickstarter:

Shot-Stats: http://www.shot-stats.com/ - we are handled development of both hardware/firmware as well as mobile parts here.

Since we have some questions to you, I want to schedule quick Skype conversation to discuss your project in more details, what is your Skype ID?

Look forward to talking to you soon.


Ilya, please contact me at your earliest convenience in omonroyc@gmail.com for a beacon project in iOS/Android platforms.

I need a company with previous experience in this kind of projects, preferably with a base app that we could modify/adequate to our needs, so that we don’t do it from scratch.
