Hi, I’m running 10.11.4 with the latest Xcode.
I went into my estimote cloud space and went to create a new "proximity content for a single beacon’ app, downloaded it and ran it. It fails to build because of a "use of unresolved identifier ‘ESTRequestBeaconDetails’ see screenshot.on a side note I tried to get the latest 4.0 framework via the cocoa pods, after it installs it generates a “Error:(22, 17) use of undeclared type ‘ESTDeviceLocationBeacon’”. That file was not in the pod.
on another note, I cloned the iOS estimote sdk repo and tried the swift examples with carthage (configuration) and it generates a “ObjCBridge.h:4:9: error: ‘EstimoteSDK/EstimoteSDK.h’ file not found” no matter how many times you drag the framework into the project.
It seems impossible to get this stuff going, any insight into these would be appreciated.