It don’t show imformation follow distance Far: Haevenly, Near: sandwiches, Immediate: Green & Green Salads as in theory. How I can make it ranging as IOS ?
The Android tutorial doesn’t actually rely on the proximity zones. If you want to know how close to a beacon you are, you need to modify the onBeaconsDiscovered
public void onBeaconsDiscovered(Region region, List<Beacon> list) {
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
Beacon nearestBeacon = list.get(0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// add this line:
Log.d("Airport", "Nearest beacon's proximity zone: "
+ Utils.computeProximity(nearestBeacon).toString());
// ---------------------------------------------------------
List<String> places = placesNearBeacon(nearestBeacon);
// TODO: update the UI here
Log.d("Airport", "Nearest places: " + places);
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Thank heypoitr very much. I got that
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2 posts were split to a new topic: Android iBeacon tutorial and Estimote Stickers