I followed the online example enter link description here and hoped to fetch x,y coordinates captured by beacons. It showed built succeeded with one warning. However, there were errors in the output area.
Can you try again? We had a temporary disruption of Estimote Cloud’s operation around the time when you posted about your problems. Which could explain the “connection failed” error. It’s all back to normal now.
Hi thanks for your reply. The connection seems working now. However, there is a new error message shown as follows:
2016-03-04 12:40:16.615 indoor[58949:2305275] failed to update position: Error Domain=com.estimote Code=5 “The platform does not support Bluetooth Low Energy.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The platform does not support Bluetooth Low Energy.}
2016-03-04 12:40:19.615 indoor[58949:2305275] failed to update position: Error Domain=com.estimote Code=2 “Magnetometer not able to initialize.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Magnetometer not able to initialise.}
What device are you testing on? It looks like it doesn’t support Bluetooth Low Energy, which is a hard requirement for Indoor Location to work. (It looks like your device doesn’t have a magnetometer either, but that you could work around by switching to Indoor Light.)
We tried both Moto g and the newest iPhone 6s. Both trials returned the same error outputs. Bluetooth on both devices were turned on. I thought most smartphones were equipped with magnetometers?
ohh, I thought estimote beacons can communicate with any mobile devices with bluetooth on.
I tried the example code in the mac and got so frustrated when no coordinates was shown on the console. New to the beacon&xcode world and there is a lot to learn. Thank you for always answering me promptly!
2016-07-23 16:53:08.676 IndoorMap[280:19013] Unknown class _TtC9IndoorMap21EILIndoorLocationView in Interface Builder file.
can’t fetch location: Optional(Error Domain=ESTRequestBaseErrorDomain Code=-1 “NSURLConnection failed.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Check reason field to verify what kind of error happened., NSLocalizedFailureReason=unsupported URL, NSLocalizedDescription=NSURLConnection failed.})
This is the error I am getting…
This is what is written in the ESTRequestBaseErrorDomain.h
ESTRequestBaseErrorConnectionFail = -1,
* No data was returned as a response or it couldn’t be parsed as JSON.
I think there might be something wrong with your location’s identifier, can you double check if there are no extra spaces, or non-ASCII characters in it?