Error Attempting to Turn on Monitoring for Proximity Beacons via SDK

Following the article here, I’m trying to turn on monitoring:

I’ve done my best to translate the Objective C into Swift as follows:

func estDeviceConnectionDidSucceed(_ device: ESTDeviceConnectable) {
    print("Connected to device: " + device.description)
    let locationBeacon = device as! ESTDeviceLocationBeacon
    let featureset = ESTFeaturesetEstimoteMonitoring.init(device: locationBeacon)
    featureset.writeEnableSettings(true, withCompletion: {(_ errors: [Error]?) -> Void in
        if (errors != nil) {
            print("Failed to enable monitoring. Errors: \(String(describing: errors))")
        else {
            print("Estimote Monitoring enabled!")

It looks like I’m successfully connecting to the device as I see that output, but then I get the following error on the writeEnableSettings call:

Error Domain=ESTRequestBaseErrorDomain Code=400 "The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Verify provided URL and params.

Any suggestions or pointers?