Hello All,
I recently purchased “Estimote Proximity Beacons”. I am creating app when End - User can
change Beacon major from Application itself. I am using application template given by Estimote
for configuration.
I am able to update Tags but nothing else.
SettingsEditor edit = connection.edit(); edit.set(connection.settings.beacon.enable(), true); edit.set(connection.settings.deviceInfo.tags(), new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList((String) tagsSpinner.getSelectedItem()))); edit.set(connection.settings.beacon.proximityUUID(), UUID.fromString("B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D")); // You might want all your beacons to have a certain UUID. edit.set(connection.settings.beacon.major(), 11000); edit.set(connection.settings.beacon.transmitPower(), placementPowerMapping.get((String) placementSpinner.getSelectedItem()).powerInDbm); if (currentLocation != null) { edit.set(connection.settings.deviceInfo.geoLocation(), currentLocation); }
GitHub Page for Same
I am able to see updated tags in my cloud but not Major. I am able to change it from Estimote Android Application.