I am new to Estimote beacons, and I want to ues this cool technology to create an app.
But I have a question now. I want to know if I can create an app which can change the major or minor value on the fly or not? Let’s say once the app/mobile phone enters the region of an Estimote region, and the app need to update the major/minor value of that particular beacon. Is it this possible?
I did some research, but I can’t find answers which can satisfy my need.
I know there are 3 ways to do similar thing I want to accomplish: Estimote iOS app, Estimote Cloud and Estimote SDK. ( https://community.estimote.com/hc/en-us/articles/200868188-How-do-I-modify-UUID-major-and-minor-values-?page=3 )
But they are not exact. I want to finish this job in our own app.
Please help. I appreciate for any ideas.
Thanks in advance,