I’m trying to connect to 3 Estimote UWB Beacons using an iPhone X (I know there is no UWB functionality, I’m just trying to establish BLE connection right now). I am using the demo app from the iOS UWB SDK, but have set shouldHandleConnectivity: false
and am manually connecting to one of the beacons in the didDiscover()
function. I am can successfully connect to the beacon, but less than a second later, I get disconnected from the beacon (without ever manually disconnecting). Moments later, the phone will reconnect, but this disconnect/reconnect cycle goes on indefinitely. These are the logs I am getting, all in very quick succession:
Discovered device: [identifier] rssi: -58
beacon 1 detected
Successfully connected to: [identifier]
“session invoked for EB9FB7B4-0B9B-CB91-914C-625A5E349FB4”
Disconnected from device: [identifier] error: Optional(EstimoteUWB.PeripheralError.ended)
Discovered device: [identifier] rssi: -60
Any ideas why this might be happening?