Windows 10 - Software Development - Visual Studio

As I research and dig for information that I can use for my Windows application development that is able to scan for Estimote beacons and make use of the location/proximity information, I tripped across a presentation from Microsoft. If you have not seen this presentation, you may find it useful.

This link to coding api’s Allow apps to send and receive Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) advertisements.

Developers may also find this link useful, in that it provides code for use in Microsoft’s Visual Studio that can be used in your programs to use Bluetooth. Code can be downloaded or retrieved via Nuget (Install-Package 32feet.NET)

As always, I shamelessly try and ride on the shoulders of giants, who have already conquered many hurdles before me. I am hoping to speed up my project by using such functions and features.

I am an ancient programmer, building an application with Microsoft’s VB.Net to make use of beacons to facilitate the automatic driving of a wheelchair within a home (or office) for people with major physical disabilities. When I crack this puzzle, I will post it here for others to use. If anyone has developed code to run in VB.Net on a Windows 10 environment, I would appreciate any help I can get. My use of VB.Net also addresses many other functions for use by a disabled used; the wheelchair function is a part of the overall suite.

Hi, any advance about this?