Hello, I bought 2 Dev Kits of UWB Beacons, you have said that it is compatible with U1 and Nearby Interactions. Have you some examples on how can I use NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration to start communication with estimate USB Beacons? We want to use Nearby Interactions with ARKit to create our app experience. Is there a good documentation about the USB Estimote SDK? I have downloaded the sdk, but when I debug I am not getting the Directions Vector by your SDK.
These beacons will have habilitation to trigger another hardware by presence of nearby interactions, I saw that when the user get close to beacon they start to blink, it will be awesome if we can send signals to other devices.
When you purchase our UWB Dev Kit you should get an email with a link to the latest iOS SDK.
In that SDK there is a Sample App to show how to get Distance / Vector on iOS and how to use Nearby Interactions API.
Note when UWB Beacon and iPhone are ranging over UWB thet both “know” their relative distance.
That is how our UWB beacons blink with LED when you are close to them with active ranging session.
We do have many other hardware revisions of UWB beacons, also one with GPIO exposed.
Please send us a note to contact (at) estimote.com and we can chat more, but in general it is possible to trigger some other devices when in-range.
just wanted to double check… going back to the original post, is it possible to create an NISession for the estimote UWB beacons? if it is, then what config data should be used when creating a NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration?
are there any code examples of using the estimote UWB beacons with apple’s NI framework?