Understanding Indoor Location

Hola, me podrías explicar mas exactamente para que sirve indoor location y como puedo cargar información en cada beacon?

Hello, can you help me to understand more exactly about indoor location and how to load information to every beacon, please, thank you

Hi Jonathan,

Indoor location allows you to map a location and create sort of indoor GPS solutions. Feel free to take a look at some articles on our Community Portal explaining how to set it up and configure the beacons.
General info
Setting up Indoor location
Configuring beacons
Let us know if you have questions!

Hi Marta,

Is it possible to feed some information to each beacon something like name. ?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Irfan,

Beacons only broadcast their IDs (if they use iBeacon standard) or a URL address (if they use Eddystone standard). They transmit very tiny packets of data, so it’s not possible to add any content to the beacons.

It’s mobile apps that actually trigger the content to appear and actions to happen. However, you don’t need to be an expert developer to get started with beacons. There are several platforms that make it possible to build your own iBeacon apps even without programming skills. Check: