Status update from Estimote: App Store rejection issues

Hi all,

We are aware of the app rejection issues and, in no way, we’d allow it to have an impact on your release process. Our sincere apologies for the trouble!

The obfuscation in the Estimote SDK is intended to protect our IP and since it doesn’t comply with recent Apple’s guidelines, the necessary fixes will be available in the new version of the SDK.

We are currently updating it and it will be released tomorrow (Wednesday).
You will be then able to update your app with the new SDK and resubmit to the App Store.

Thank you for bringing this up and being so patient.
We will post the progress on the release of the new version here.

Hey all,

We have just released the new version of Estimote iOS SDK addressing the app submission issue.
Available on the GitHub now.

Let us know if you face any issues going forward.
