Raspberry Pi can catch Nearable packet?

Hello, can anyone point me to or provide a way to detect MOTION in a Nearables beacon using C# or even js? Everything seems to be centered around IOS and Android phones, these are not all of the ideas situations. Estimote, you guys are limiting your reach by only saying you have to have IOS or Android app.

If you cant provide a way to detect motion in your Nearables can you at least provide a way to understand how to read the data packets and know when and what to look for to know when motion is taking place?


There you go (:

A JavaScript library for detecting and parsing Nearable packets, including the motion data.


I’ll check it out

Btw., we have opened up one of the broken ones now. And I guess the issue is visible quite well in the pictures I’ve posted in this other thread.

On the positive side (even though we are still/again having issues, seemingly battery life time now), Marta from the Estimote staff and support was very, very nice and helpful back then and send us the replacements very quickly!

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