I have a use case in a No-Internet environment. Is this possible?
An Android phone (Let’s call it AlphaPhone) will tap a Proximity beacon and save a set of DATA into the Proximity Beacon. Another Android phone (Let’s call it BravoPhone) will walk pass and pick up the DATA from the proximity beacon.
Possible solution A.
- Upon tapping Proximity beacon with AlphaPhone, use Estimote’s Android SDK and use NFC to save DATA into the Proximity Beacon.
- Use Estimote’s Proximity SDK trigger a retrieval of DATA using the ProximityContext.
Issue: Is the DATA saved by NFC accessible by Proximity SDK?
Possible solution B. Assuming NFC DATA cannot be accessed by Proximity SDK.
- Upon tapping Proximity beacon with AlphaPhone, use Estimote’s Android SDK and use NFC to determine beacon’s ID.
- Use Android SDK to create on Proximity Beacon, a new TAG or ATTACHMENT based on DATA.
- Use Estimote’s Proximity SDK trigger a retrieval of DATA using the ProximityContext.
Issue: Tags and Attachment can only be created and retrieved when connected to Estimote Cloud isn’t it? (We have no internet connectivity)
Please advise.