Proximity: NFC and Bluetooth exchange


I have a use case in a No-Internet environment. Is this possible?

An Android phone (Let’s call it AlphaPhone) will tap a Proximity beacon and save a set of DATA into the Proximity Beacon. Another Android phone (Let’s call it BravoPhone) will walk pass and pick up the DATA from the proximity beacon.

Possible solution A.

  1. Upon tapping Proximity beacon with AlphaPhone, use Estimote’s Android SDK and use NFC to save DATA into the Proximity Beacon.
  2. Use Estimote’s Proximity SDK trigger a retrieval of DATA using the ProximityContext.
    Issue: Is the DATA saved by NFC accessible by Proximity SDK?

Possible solution B. Assuming NFC DATA cannot be accessed by Proximity SDK.

  1. Upon tapping Proximity beacon with AlphaPhone, use Estimote’s Android SDK and use NFC to determine beacon’s ID.
  2. Use Android SDK to create on Proximity Beacon, a new TAG or ATTACHMENT based on DATA.
  3. Use Estimote’s Proximity SDK trigger a retrieval of DATA using the ProximityContext.
    Issue: Tags and Attachment can only be created and retrieved when connected to Estimote Cloud isn’t it? (We have no internet connectivity)

Please advise.