Need a Developer for a new Software

Hi all ,

  I need a developer making a CMS software ,IOS and Android App for me to provide it to my customers : 

the Results will be like the bellow :

1- Visitor report with all information : name , mobile , gender , DOB , email …
2- Returners , and the analytics chart for the Returners vs new Visitors
3- Real time location view in the shop floor map
4- most visited places , showing as a report (Sections) and also showing in the floor map .
5- most visited Product using Estimote sticker technology .
6- campaigns .
7- Bilangual
8- Finance module
9- Role Managment
10- user managment
11- easy to configure the beacon with the software
12- real user activity
13- push notifications
14- Geofence campaign
16- DELIVER CAMPAIGNS WITHOUT AN APP (Eddystone beacons enable brands, advertisers and retailers to deliver proximity campaigns without an app.
They are broadcasted directly to iOS and Android devices and displayed in the notification area)
18- Social media campaigns
19- unique registration page in the app
20- unique notification page in app
21- unique rewards page in the app

thank you …


I’am Kirtan from Whitelotus Corporation a mobile app development agency specializing in the development of apps using iBeacon technology. We have developed several apps for our clients.

Furthermore, we have recently launched a product ‘Spotnify’ ( for the various spots like retailers, restaurants, public transport, museum etc. I have attached a document that had more details about Spotnify.

We can surely help you to develop your required app in bilingual that ie English and Arabic. We will include your mentioned modules in the app. Let us get in touch for the detailed discussion and we can take forward from there.

I can be reached via skype: whitelotuscorp & email:

Look forward to hear from you.



. Spotnify.pdf (188.1 KB)

Hi ,
Thank you for your email . can you make the business plan required for the mentioned features ,timing plan and Pricing ?
CMS and mobile APP UI , how it will be, reports, analytics, carts …
there will be 3 levels of Admins (owner admin , customer Admin , shop admin) the owner has complete credentials, for the customer : the owner can open account and give him limited access , and the shop admin can have sub account with any credentials related to his shop by his admin (Customer Admin) .
if you need more information please tell me as soon as possible , i am really in hurry and i am getting multiple emails and offers , but as per the business plan and document i can know who can help me .

thank you …

Hi, we are preparing the business plan but we need few things to get clarified. Will it be possible for you to come online for a short discussion and to clear the doubts?

Also, I dont have your email id. Please get in touch with us.

sure it will be more clear for all .
just tell me the time and am ready for that .

thank you

Can we do it now?

My skype: whitelotuscorp


Also I need small Favor from you if you can help me on that , I want to make some demo for one of the biggest customer i have , So i will try to show him the consent through the estimate demo and the templates , what do you think ? the customer need only to see the main results like (how many customers vs returners , what is the most visited places , what is the most visited product) i will purchase the beacon , can help in the other steps to show the customer this technology ? in the same time you will start developing my complete project upon customers requirements if we make a deal .

thank you …

yes sure. I am open to work as per your current requirement. Let us have a skype chat to discuss more about it.

wait i will see if i can becouse am in the office .
i will reply to you within 5 minutes, other wise we can chat in the email .

thank you

Okay sure. look forward to it.

Sorry dear i could not , if you want we can chat here am ready

email me please. Here everyone would see what we talk about. Plz.

sure bro you right
my email :

are you still there ?

yes i replied to email. Was on lunch break.