hey, im using estimote sdk in objective c and ranging nearables its detect the nearables (stickers) around but the problem what i received is only the identifier nothing else. how can i get all the data that the sticker is advertising like temperature and motion ?
-(void)startObserving {
self.NearableManager = [ESTNearableManager new];
ESTNearableManager *NearableManager = [[ESTNearableManager alloc] init];
self.NearableManager.delegate = self;
[self.NearableManager startRangingForType:ESTNearableTypeAll];
- (void)nearableManager:(ESTNearableManager *)manager didRangeNearables:(NSArray<ESTNearable *> *)nearables withType:(ESTNearableType)type{
ESTNearable *nearable = nearables.firstObject;