Missing header file

I have tried to add header file 5 times now but it is always telling me the file is missing.
Here is what I have.
Any ideas why?

Telling you which file is missing? Can you post the exact error message?

Also, noticed your file is called ObjCBridge.h, but you have objCBridge.h in Build Settings. Note the capitalization difference, I think it might be relevant.

Nope, thats not it.
I actually had both lower case.
I just uploaded the wrong picture.
That picture with the uppercase was from one of my other attempts.

Any other Ideas???

Telling you which file is missing? Can you post the exact error message?

Here is what I am getting.

Thanks for taking a look



Can you make sure there really is a “ObjCBridge.h” file inside “/Users/brianirr/Desktop/Projects/EstmoteBeacon/EstATEMPT2/beaconAirport/beaconAirport”? Try opening this directory in Finder and see if it’s there.

It is.


Move the ObjCBridge.h file from the screenshot inside the beaconAirport folder from the screenshot. Should work then.

It worked.
Thank you for all your help.
Now I can focus on the user interface
