Micro app stops after few minutes

Here’s what I’ve been using for enter/exit events in my own projects:

    '76e88a19542a64f7c32c7af48192d129', // lemon 
    '3a7dc6f68d15043f9f83097dcb5b5822', // candy
    '17d8274ffe6eb174e6dabd081923dd35', // beetroot
var BEACON_EXIT_TIMEOUT = 60; // seconds

var beaconsInRange = {};

ble.startScan((scanRecord) => {
    var packet = ble.parse(scanRecord);
    // ignore non-Estimote-Location packets
    if (!packet || packet.type !== 'est_loc') return;
    // ignore non-whitelisted beacons
    if (WHITELISTED_BEACONS.indexOf(packet.id) === -1) return;
    if (beaconsInRange[packet.id]) {
        // already in range of this beacon, reset the exit timer
        print('still in range: ' + packet.id);
    } else {
        // just came in range of this beacon, trigger an enter...
        print('enter: ' + packet.id);
        cloud.enqueue('beacon-enter-range', {beaconId: packet.id});
        // ...and schedule an exit timer if we don't hear from the beacon for BEACON_EXIT_TIMEOUT seconds
        beaconsInRange[packet.id] = timers.single(BEACON_EXIT_TIMEOUT * 1000, () => {
            // exit timer kicked in, trigger an exit
            print('exit: ' + packet.id);
            cloud.enqueue('beacon-exit-range', {beaconId: packet.id});
            delete beaconsInRange[packet.id];
}, 0)
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